Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

It's been a while...

The title says it all really. I have taken something of an extended sabbatical from social networking; Blogging, Facebook and Twitter have all seen a reduction in activity from me over recent months.

For some reason I haven't felt like sharing life with the Internet; maybe it just hasn't been that interesting?

Since I last shared on my Blog a lot has happened: H and I have moved house; H has changed childcare and is now at nursery full time - excellent decision; I have dated; stopped dating; dated again; been messed around; been hurt; got over it; had fun. I've spent a few weekends away: one memorable one in London with a guy I thought may have been special; one even more memorable one in Butlins, Skegness (70's music, fancy dress and hundreds of pounds worth of alcohol) with a bunch of fabulous girls; and finally four incredible days in Dublin with my Sister and friends. Which leads me naturally to, what is arguably, the biggest event since I disappeared off of the face of Social Network Earth - I am no longer a 20 something, I am now officially in my 30's.

So whilst some may argue that I haven't blogged, updated status' or tweeted because life hasn't been interesting, in fact it's quite the opposite - I have been rather too busy living life to write about it.

What I have found, though, is that I have missed having an outlet. None more so than last night when I was back in that place of no sleep; my mind was too busy spinning with the detail of what is going on in my life and sleep was, most definitely, eluding me. The problem, when you have an intense day, a bad day, as I did yesterday, you start to question other things in your life. You start to feel shades of insecurity. Or I do at least.

Yesterday I had to see a couple of doctors, for reasons relating to the operations that I have mentioned in previous posts. The visits were, putting it mildly, hard work. I haven't cried for months and yesterday I think I made up for it. The emotional strain was one of the hardest things I've faced for quite some time now. Unfortunately one of the doctors was less than pleasant which made it even harder to cope with.

My Sister was due to come with me yesterday but she was ill. I wish she had been there, sometimes I just feel like I need my big Sister. That said, I was accompanied by someone who has become very special in my life. Someone who I will tell you all about in another post - for now, let's just say, there is no more Guy Number 1, 2, 3 or 4 - there is just this guy. Anyway, said guy very kindly came with me, I was unsure about his company for the event because I knew I'd be upset, but I held it together well and he kept my mind off of the horrible events of the day. So I guess it was a success.

So back to my mind and why I couldn't sleep last night. Well naturally it was spinning with the events of yesterday, but lots of other things in my life as well. Now I'm up, awake and feeling a bit better I can't even really remember why I couldn't sleep but I do know that whilst lying there, unable to sleep, I wanted to blog. So here I am. I am back in the world of Social Networking. I've missed you.

On the plus side, with how life has been over the last 6 months or so I definitely don't regret living it rather than writing about it!


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