Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Body Image...

This post comes about following a post of the same title from one of my friends, it inspired me to write about my own self image and to re-think some of the views I have of myself...

Body image is a term used to refer to a person's perception of his or her own physical appearance.

As 20-somethings (to be fair, whatever our age) we are bombarded with images in the media of "perfect" beauty. Tall, lithe women with perfect skin, straight white teeth, the flattest of stomachs, no hint of cellulite and small, pert breasts.
Tall, muscled men, broad shouldered with a washboard stomach and a clearly defined six-pack...both will naturally have a "healthy" tanned glow and clear, sparkling eyes.

So what happens when the reality of your body image doesn't match up to what we see, day in and day out, in the media. As a woman it is easy to become consumed with wanting to look like the celebrities and models that are so quickly airbrushed to perfection, it becomes natural to believe that this is what a man wants you to look like and it becomes all too simple to doubt your own beauty when faced with these images.

I do. Every morning I put myself on the scales to see if I have lost another pound. I stand in front of the mirror and hold in my stomach to see if my curves have diminished ever so slightly and I spend time carefully applying my make-up so I look like I have a "natural" glow! Now is the time to stop. I will continue with my healthy eating kick that I have been on of late, but because it makes me FEEL good. I don't have to resemble the images we see in the media to LOOK good.

I am, by no means, perfect. I have, in the past, when considering what "work" I would have done if I could afford plastic surgery, found something about every part of my body I would change. This is terrible. My body is amazing, and to steal the words of my friend, it is the only one I will ever have. Instead of wanting to change it, I should rejoice in it, take care of it and learn to love the wobbly bits.

This is me: Learning to love the wobbly bits:

I have nice hair, naturally I have bad hair days, but generally, I have nice hair.

I have pretty eyes, granted they look better with a bit of mascara, but they are a great shade of blue and one of the nicest compliments I have received were about my eyes. "I look into your eyes and they tell me everything I need to know. I can see you. They are full of expression".

I have full lips, many people would kill for lovely full lips.

My teeth aren't perfect, one is slightly crooked but I have been told I am beautiful when I smile.

My breasts are bigger than I would like them to be, but you know what, apparently that's a good thing!

I have a tummy, it's not toned, it's not flat and it has stretch marks. So what? It tells the world I have a son - the very best thing in my life. I grew a child inside of my body, I nurtured him and gave him life and I gave birth to him and now he is a thriving two year old. Stretch marks and a wobbly tummy seem like a small price to pay to have someone quite as cool as H love me unconditionally.

My bottom: I LOVE it, it's pert, it's round and I grew it myself - Lol!

I have long legs - frustratingly long sometimes. With heels I need a 34" inside leg on trousers which is not stocked in all shops... the thighs are a little bigger than I'd perhaps like and the ankles a little less shapely, but still, at least the length tends to make them look good.

My body, my phsyical appearance, it's not perfect, not by a long way, but wouldn't the world be boring if we all looked identical and all looked perfect?

Surely it's our imperfections that make us interesting, stand us apart from others around us?

Nicole Kidman - she never has a tan. Her skin is incredibly pale and this just adds to her beauty.
Julia Roberts - has a beauty spot, this is considered an imperfection but in fact adds to the interest in her face and makes her even more stunning.
Madonna - has a gap in her front teeth. She isn't afraid to hide her smile and despite being worth millions has never endeavoured to change this. Her smile and slightly less than perfect teeth add character to her face.
SJP - she has a nose slightly to large for her face, it is different - she wouldn't look like "Carrie" if she had a "perfect" face.

I have imperfections and it's time to start loving them. I've been through two major operations in the last year to correct a physical imperfection that none but those closest to me will ever see. Have I done this out of vanity? Partially, yes, I guess I have. It was borne out of necessity, make no mistake, but part of the driving force to put myself through the operation for a second time was vanity, but that's ok. It built my self confidence up again, and I needed that. If I need to look good to feel good about myself, that is ok. But I shouldn't feel bad about myself because I look a bit rough one day or when I stand on the scales I've put a pound on instead of taken one off.

I need to build my self-worth, my self-esteem and this is the starting point. This is me, loving the wobbly bits, learning to love me not inspite of the wobbly bits, but because of the wobbly bits. I challenge you all to do the same.

On the plus side, the healthy eating means the tummy is getting a little less wobbly, it makes it easier to love!


Blogger Unknown said...


27 May 2010 at 03:41  

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