Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

First (and last) dates...

I've really been putting myself out there, so to speak, on the dating scene recently. Guys 1 through 4 have all materialised into nothing, as per previous posts, so I figured it was time to get out there again and see what happens. It has been, to be blunt, what can only be described as an unmitigated disaster.

Not that these guys haven't been very nice, they have been, but it would seem that they don't seem to think the same of me...let me tell you about it.

Date 1 - The "older" guy. A lovely guy, 12 years my senior. We had a date nearly a fortnight ago, it went well, or so I thought. He was very pleasant, attractive and had all the pre-requisites that I put in place: Taller than me, attractive, ability to hold a conversation. (I don't ask for a lot!!) Prior to the date things were going very well, we were exchanging a number of texts etc, the date was good, we didn't run out of things to talk about, I even went back to his for coffee (just coffee), we exchanged a kiss when I left (an actual kiss, not just a kiss on the cheek). Since then, nada, nothing, zip, zilch.

Date 2 - We haven't actually had a date as yet, we have exchanged numbers and have been texting etc, a nice guy but not so tall (only a couple of inches taller than me - with my love of heels this could prove a problem). We are planning to go out later this month when he returns from a long weekend away.

Date 3 - Tonight's date. This was promising, 6'3", GORGEOUS, witty, intelligent, good job etc etc etc. The date could have had so much potential but for some reason it just didn't. It got off to a bad start, I was forty minutes late - yeah, yeah, I know, I'm always late. But even for me this was bad. I arrived at the pub that we were due to meet at, he met me outside and again, I thought: WOW, gorgeous. Immediately I was on a back foot, the old self doubt kicked in and I thought, what on earth is he doing on a date with me. As such, I spent the evening feeling as though I was batting outside of my league. I know, realistically speaking, that I am not batting out of my league with this guy, but I just couldn't help myself thinking that. Because of this I was nervous, I rambled, my eye contact was so lacking that even I noticed it. Eventually we just ran out of things to discuss. I went on and on about work and just kept trying to fill the silence. Rookie mistake. He was eternally polite, he even walked me to my car, kiss on the cheek, the obligitory thanks, it was nice to meet you etc and that was it. I will never hear from him again. That much is certain. Damnit, and it could have had real potential.

That's it for me on the dating scene for a while I think, I need a break.

On the plus side, is there a plus side to this story because I'm struggling to find one. Help?


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