Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Monday 10 May 2010

A fabulous day...

I had to post because I have had just the most fantastic day today.

Why, I hear you cry, has my day been so fantastic? Well firstly, work is amazing, I'm loving what I am doing so much! Secondly, I heard today that I got accepted to our Leadership Academy at work, it's basically a senior manager development programme, the criteria is really tough, you have to have been a line manager in the business for two years, be a top performing line manager to boot and in additon to all of that there are only 9 spaces in the entire company (there are over 150 managers in our business) and I GOT ON!!!!!!! This is my stepping stone to becoming a Regional Director!!!!

And finally, I feel as though I am (at last) over Guy Number 1. This is a big deal to me, I've been hung up on this guy for the best part of 7 months now and I actually feel as though I am finally moving on. It took a lot, months of being messed around and lied to. Now I feel like I've moved on I actually feel as though I can be his friend again, which is nice, because above all else, I've missed his friendship.

This leaves the door well and truly open for Guy Number 2, from now on I'm going to refer to him as J - yes my friends, he has earnt himself an initial in my blog!! I'm still firmly of the opinion that I am not looking for, and do not want, a serious boyfriend - but what this guy has is real potential. My main concern now? My inability to take things further with J might have have really screwed things over. This being the case, I have come to the conclusion that I am going to invite him for a "sleepover"...!!

How have I come to this conclusion? Well I finally feel ready to take that step with him for a start and I also feel strongly that it will mean something now. To me that's important, I am not going to de-value myself by having meaningless sex, I am worth more than that. The problem? I now realise that part of the reason I have been avoiding taking this step is my hang-ups around my body image. Typing that on a previous post has made me realise that this was more true that I knew.

Let's get this straight, I am not hideous. I'm a confident, attractive woman, this much I know. But I have a few more curves than I really want. I'm not "large" (not that there is anything wrong with large.) I'm relatively average in the grand scheme of things, but having had a child my abs are not what they used to be and this is where my hang up lies. Firmly and completely around my stomach. I'm dealing with this though. I have been dieting and doing it well, I've lost well over a stone now which is fantastic, only 4lbs to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Oh, and I'm back in the gym - another reason for my supremely awesome day. It was my first session back, post-op, and I feel fabulous. I worked my socks off and feel good about it!

So, the question that I pose to you, if any of you are reading this, is how on earth do I now invite this gorgeous man to spend the night with me?

And for the record, I need to do it's been months since I last had sex and I've run out of batteries!!!!

On the plus side, I just nipped to Tesco and got myself a jumbo box of double A's!!


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