Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Sunday 30 May 2010


Until recently I have always claimed that I am not a "photo person". Before my son was born I didn't even own a camera and only purchased one because H's Dad insisted on it.

I never had any photographs in my house until very recently, for various reasons:

1. I used to think they cluttered the place up and all you had to do was move them to dust.
2. There were never any photos of things that I love
3. I hated photos of myself
4. H's Dad didn't like photos of my friends being up in the house (God only knows why!)

Recently I have become more photo orientated, I still don't own a camera (the one I bought when H was born went with his Dad when he left) other than the one on my phone - I need to rectify this.

I went a little bit nuts buying new photo frames over the last few days, I realised that there are so many people in my life that I love that I want that represented in my home, I want my house to feel like a home and in order to do so, it should reflect my life.

Therefore I have re-visited how I feel about photos:

1. Yes, photos need moving in order to dust, but so what?
2. There are so many things in my life that I love, and I have captured them on film in the past.
3. So, I might not be the most photogenic person in the world, again, so what?
4. H's Dad isn't in the picture anymore, now my friends are all over my house!

I'd like to share with you some of my photos (and some are photos of photos so the quality is poor, I apologise). More than this though, I'd like to share some of the stories behind the photos because they are reflective of great times, times that make me, me!

This is my gorgeous boy, H. He was poorly at the time so I was off work looking after him. He flaked out on the sofa, which he never does, and I couldn't help taking this shot of him looking so lovely and peaceful.

H again, at Halloween...!

My lovely family: My niece and sister, H, me and my Mum. This was taken at Christmas - it was a rough day as it was just after I separated from H's Dad, but what that Christmas made me realise was how important my family are to me. Being with H's Dad I put too much distance in my relationship with my family, I have that back now and I wouldn't change it for the world, my sister, above all else is one of my best friends. Isn't she stunning!!

Me and two of my best friends, Jo and Carly. I've known these two ladies for in excess of twenty years and they have been through the best and the worst with me. I wouldn't change either of them or our friendships for the world.

The Poodle! I love this photo, it was taken by a photographer friend of mine, she captured him perfectly.

The most recent photo taken of me, this was at a party I went to a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't seen most of the guests for the best part of 5 years and it was fantastic to catch up with some old, good, friends.

And finally, this is a picture frame I bought recently, it has a little bit of everyone in it. From top left: My sister's wedding day, I flew back from Oz to be her bridesmail. H, a professional photo that my childminder arranged. Me, my friend K and a guy we met in Oz - this was taken on Magnetic Island (Queensland), this was my favourite place in Oz, somewhere I subsequently returned to for 3 months to teach diving. My nephew, Aaron. Me as a bridesmaid for K. My niece, Alice. Same place in Oz but with Joe, an Irish guy I saw over there for a few months - he was delicious! Me as a baby, on our farm, with my pet cow! Again, my sister's wedding day - my Sis, her Hubby and their two lovely children.

That's my life in photos; most of the people in my life that I love. I have about twenty more to be framed but am rapidly running out of space - I also have some new people in my life that need to be added to my growing collections of pictures!

On the plus side, at least I have an excuse to shop some more!


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh! I love the picture frame thing! Very cool! I cannot wait to have my own space to put up pictures of my friends and family!! :)

31 May 2010 at 02:51  
Blogger Jennifer said...

A camera is a must when you have kids! Otherwise you will forget how little he once was!

And take pictures of yourself. You might not like them at the time, but someday you'll want to remember how you looked back when you were young!

31 May 2010 at 19:53  

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