Lindsay on life, love and being a single Mum

Something of a diary for a girl who has never been very good at keeping diaries.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

On the advice of a good friend...

I'm here to have a rant!

My faith in people has been shaken, really shaken, and I don't like that. I believe in the best in people, I'm wildly optimistic that good things will happen because I am a good person, and yet time and time again, I get treated like shit. People are crap. End of story.

I mentioned in a previous post about J and how we took things to a more intimate level - since that point he has essentially just ignored me.

I called him on it tonight, he got all defensive and said that he was going through some stuff and he couldn't "deal with all of this right now" - so I asked him why the hell he bothered sleeping with me, seems a bit shit right?? No reasonable explanation was forthcoming.

I'd finally started giving this guy a chance, actually allowing him to get to know me, and that is how I am rewarded.

It's official - I am completely over men. I mean it, no more. I will not continue to waste my time with time wasters. I'm am now resolutely single.

On the plus side, maybe it would be easier if I just turned gay!!!!


Blogger Jennifer said...

Blogs are the perfect place to rant. Men are pigs!

25 May 2010 at 02:27  

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